Fully Responsive
Menuzord is responsive and is ready for use in desktops,
tablets and mobile devices.
16 Skins
Is included 16 skins for different behaviors of Menuzord.
Each skin has his own visual behavior
8 Color Schemes per Skin
For each color scheme Menuzord has 8 preset colors.
16 Skins x 8 Color Schemes = 128 visual variations
You can use Menuzord like a dropdown menu, with diferent alignments
You can use Menuzord like a megamenu. Versatility is no problem.
Grid System
Do you need organize some content inside the menu? Ok, Menuzord
provides a complete grid system to help you.
Cross browser
Support for all major browsers, including touchscreen devices
and mobile devices
Right/Left alignment
The menu can be set Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left to adapt
easily on your layout
Click or Hover
Menuzord supports "click" event or "hover" event to show submenus
Configurable delays
You can easily set the delay time and the time of appearance of submenus
Menuzord supports icons from Font-Awesome. There are over 440 icons available.
Vertical tabs
Menuzord provides preset vertical tabs to help you display the content
in panels inside the megamenu
Menuzord works pretty good with HTML5 and uses jQuery for extensive compatibility
CSS animations
8 CSS3 animations are available to give some stunning effects to the menu
Bootstrap compatible
Menuzord is compatible with the Bootstrap most recent versions
Fully customizable
Menuzord is easy to customize, including the skins and color schemes
Free updates
Updates, bug fixes and improvements without additional cost
Real examples